ARANSIOLA Michael Niyi
Lecturer II – B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Basic Medical and Applied Sciences/Biological Sciences
Google Scholar Page Reference
Research Interest
- Bioremediation and Biodegradation of Environmental Pollutants
- Metal Tolerance and Antibiotic Resistance of Bacterial Isolates from the Environment.
- Metagenomic Studies of Microbial Communities.
Membership of Professional Bodies
- American Society for Microbiology (Member Number: 57312456)
Awards and Honours
- University of Ibadan Postgraduate School Scholar, July 2014 to 2017
- Aransiola M. N., Ehikhase C., Nmegwa J. C., and Wahab I., 2014. Antibacterial and
Antifungal Activities of Jatropha multifida (Ogege) Sap against Some Pathogens.
Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences 9(4): 53-57.
- Aransiola M. N. and Fagade O. E., 2015. Studies on the Biodegradation of Cassava
Peels and Rice Straw by some Selected Microorganisms. International Journal of Plant
Research 1(4):124-130.
- Olusola B. O. and Aransiola M. N., 2015. Biosorption of Zinc (Zn 2+ ) and Iron (Fe 2+ ) from Wastewater using Euglena texta and Botrydium granulatum. Bioscience and Bioengineering 1(2):17-21.
- Olusola B. O. and Aransiola M. N., 2016. Biosorption of Lead (Pb 2+ ) from Industrial
Effluent using Green Algae. International Journal for Science and Research. 5 (12):372-
- Aransiola M. N. and Fagade O. E., 2020. Heavy Metal and Sulfate Tolerance Bacteria
Isolated from the Mine Drainage and Sediment of Igun, Osun State, Nigeria.
Environmental Sciences, Toxicology and Food Technology, 15 (3): 36-55.
- Aransiola M. N., Olusola B. O. and Fagade O. E., 2021. Chromium Biosorption by
Rummeliibacillus stabekisii (MN250294.1) and Alcaligenes faecalis (MN250293.1)
using Fermented Palm Oil Mill Effluent as Carbon Source. International Journal of
Scientific and Engineering Research, 12 (5): 484-492.
Conference Attended/Paper Presentation
- Metagenomics Symposium on ‘Utilizing Microbiome for Translational Products in
Africa’, held on July 21, 2014 at the University of Ibadan Conference Centre,
University of Ibadan
- Science Association of Nigeria (SAN) Conference, held between 27 April – 1 May,
2014 at the University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State
Paper Read
Aransiola M. N. and Fagade O. E. (2014). Studies on the Biodegradation of Cassava
Peels and Rice Straw by some Selected Microorganisms
Workshop/Training Attended
- Introduction to Galaxy Bioinformatics, held on 2 - 4 th December, 2020 by NAU
Genomics and Bioinformatics Consortium, Nnamdi Azikiwe University in Collaboration
with Molecular Research Foundation for Student and Scientists (MRFSS).
- Scientific Training Workshop for Postgraduate Students on Applications of HPLC,
AAS and UV-VIS Spectrophotometry, held between 14-16 th June, 2016 at
Multidisciplinary Central Research Laboratory (MCRL), University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
- Basic Statistical Tools for Quality Research in Biological and Physical Sciences
(Part 1), held on 24th April, 2015 at Faculty of Science Lecture Theatre (FLT) Lakeside,
University of Ibadan
- Plagiarism Detection (Turn-it-in Application), held on March, 2015 at the
Postgraduate School, University of Ibadan
- Grant Writing for Doctoral Students, held between 16-17 th Aug., 2014 at Conference
Room, ICT/Digital Library, Macarthur Building, University of Ibadan
- Workshop on grant proposal writing for research students, held between 16 -17 th June,
2010 at the University of Ibadan Conference Centre, University of Ibadan