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Dr Aliu

Fatai Aliu

Lecturer I
Management Sciences Department
Phone: +2348023392900;

Dr. Aliu, Fatai Oguntade

Lecturer 1 - B.Sc, MBA, Mphil, PhD

Faculty / Department

Arts, Management and Social Sciences / Management Sciences
Curriculum Vitae: Dr Aliu Fatai CV

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Research Interest:

  1. Financial Management
  2. Human Resource Management
  3. Employee Relations
  4. Organisational Development

Selected Publications

  1. Executive Compensation, Mindset and Organisational Performance of Selected Deposit Money Banks in Lagos State, Nigeria.
  2. Employee Motivation Strategies and Organisational Performance of Selected Deposit Money banks in South West Nigeria.

Journal Publications

  1. Aliu, Fatai O., Akpa, V. O., Egwakhe, A. J. (2020). “Executive Mindset and Organisational Profitability at Selected Deposit Money Banks in Lagos State, Nigeria” Journal of Humanities, Vol.25, Issue 2, Series 11, 54-61. DOI: 10.9790/0837-2502115461
  2. Aliu, Fatai O., Akpa, V. O., Egwakhe, A. J. (2020). “Executive Compensation Packages and Return to Shareholders at Selected Deposit Money Banks in Lagos State, Nigeria” Journal of Business and Management, Vol.22, Issue 3, Series 1, 01-08. DOI: 10.9790/487X-2203010108
  3. Akpa, V. O., Egwakhe, A. J., Aliu, Fatai O. (2020). “Executive Compensation Packages and Customer Acquisition of Selected Deposit Money Banks in Lagos State, Nigeria” Journal of Social Sciences Research, Vol.3 Issue, 3, 315-320.
  4. Akpa, V. O., Adegbie, F., Aliu, Fatai O. (2019). “Work Environment and Customer Acquisition: A study of Selected Deposit Money banks in Lagos State, Nigeria” Journal of Business Management, Vol.21, Issue 4, Series 4, 28-32. DOI: 10.9790/487X-2104042832
  5. Aliu, Fatai Oguntade (2019). “Executive Bonuses: Compensation and Corporate Performance in Nigerian Banking Sector” Uniosun Journal of Employment Relations and Management” Vol. 1, No. 1, 159-179.

Conferences and Seminars Attended with Dates:

  1. Treasury Management – FITC, YABA – Lagos (March 1989)
  2. Foreign Exchange Operations – FITC, Yaba (Feb. 1991)
  3. Core Banking Operations – IMB Training School. (Sept. 1995)
  4. Fraud Prevention and Control – CIBN, Lagos (June 1996)
  5. Collateral Realisation – CIBN (Feb. 1998)
  6. Intermediate Credit Course, W. Grier. (Aug. 2000)
  7. Management of Problem Loans – CIBN. (Nov. 2000)
  8. Law Relating to Banking Operations – CFLD. (April 2001)
  9. Early Problem Recognition – IBFC Augusto (Sept. 2001)
  10. Web Enabled Credit Reporting – CBN (May 2002)
  11. Advanced Credit Analysis – H. Pierson (June 2004)